Do Not Make These Email Marketing Mistakes

Do Not Make These Email Marketing Mistakes
woman covering face
Email marketing can be effective, if you don't mess it up

ou want to make money from the email marketing efforts of yours so you have to see to it that you don't make these common mistakes, or else you will end up with unhappy members that will eventually unsubscribe. So pay attention to these idle email marketing mistakes and see to it that you 
avoid them.

Do not Use Misleading Or perhaps Hyped Up Subject Lines

You have to do everything that you are able to to get your emails opened. With a subject line that is misleading or perhaps pure hype is not the way to go. The subscribers of yours won't appreciate this and it is going to drive them to the unsubscribe url very quickly.

Hype subject lines include things like "You Can't Miss Out On This!" or "You have To Open This Now!" People will be insulted by this and think you're stupid. They will not open these types of emails as they know you are selling something.

A misleading subject line is even worse. You've most likely seen subject lines like "Your Download Is Now Ready" or "You've Been Chosen!". Do not use these tactics or even your list members will unsubscribe in droves. Another classic is usually to use "Re:" so that it looks as a reply to a contact the subscriber sent. You'll soon have no subscribers if you do this.

Allow People To Reply

If you send out emails and they have a "No Reply" notification in them then this is bad. Your subscribers will get a bounce back if they try and reply. Don't deny the subscribers of yours the opportunity to interact with you, so just let them reply to you. If you do make use of the "No Reply" tactic it looks as if you don't want to converse with your subscribers. This is a very bad thing and you have to avoid it. The entire point of email is usually to communicate two ways - so be happy that this is enabled.

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Sending Emails that have No Value

You find this all the time in the "make money online" niche. People send out emails which have no significance in them whatsoever. They just send emails about the newest products and services and they are all sales orientated. Your subscribers won't like getting deluged with sales messages. Take the time to increase trust and build a great rapport with your list. Provide help and guidance and even appropriate case studies to fix issues just where you are able to. They are going to appreciate this and be far more prepared to purchase when you do make an offer.

Stay Away from Overly Long or even Short Emails

This is all a question of balance. Really short emails may be perceived as hype even if they're not. A very long text based email will probably not get read, simply because it's far too much trouble. People are far too busy to read thousands of written text in an email.

These may only be four seemingly innocent email infractions, but we still see these blunders daily in our inboxes, and occasionally from so called "internet guru's."

Take the time to get to know the subscribers of yours. Put in the energy. Block out a time period to be available. You will find that they are going to be a lot more responsive to you when they believe you really care about them.


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